Two Parents, Two Kids HOUSING - SELECT ONE Studio Apartment - 1 credit Studio apartment (1 bedroom), 1 bath, unfurnished, no patio/deck/yard, street parking only, stove only 3 Bedroom Apartment - 2 credits 3 bedroom apartment, 1 bath unfurnished, covered patio, 1 covered parking space, stove and refrigerator 2 Bedroom House - 3 credits 2 bedroom house, 1 1/2 bath, unfinished, small fenced yard, 2 car garage, stove, refrigerator and dishwasher HEALTH CARE - SELECT ONE No Healthcare - 1 credit No health insurance, you pay for all health related costs Employer Healthcare for you only - 2 credits Health insurance for you through your employer but no health insurance for your family members Health Insurance for your family - 3 credits Health insurance for you and your family through your employer FOOD PER PERSON - SELECT ONE 1 meal a day - 1 credit 2 meals a day - 2 credits 3 meals a day plus snacks - 3 credits TRANSPORTATION - SELECT ONE Walk or bike everywhere - 1 credit No public transportation Walk, bike or take public transportation - 2 credits Own your own car - 3 credits TECHNOLOGY ACCESS - SELECT ONE Have a cell phone only - 1 credit no computer or tv Cell phone & TV - 2 credits no cable or computer Cell phone, computer & cable TV - 3 credits CHILD CARE - CHOOSE ONE Unreliable family - 1 credit an unreliable family member a few times a week, may not be available Reliable family - 2 credits reliable family member or neighbor, three times a week Full childcare - 3 credits All week full service childcare, during work hours UTILITIES - CHOOSE ONE Skip this month's bill - 1 credit Skip this month's bill, face disconnect services On a payment plan - 2 credits Pay for all utilities - 3 credits SPENDING MONEY - CHOOSE ONE No extra money - 1 credit No extra money left after bills are paid $20 left - 2 credits $20 extra left over each week after all the bills are paid $50 left - 3 credits $50 extra left over each week after all the bills are paid Remaining Credits Remaining Credits 15 You are OUT OF CREDITS! 50%