Little Libraries

In middle income neighborhoods the average ratio is 13 books per child. In low-income neighborhoods it’s ONE book for every 300 children. In collaboration with Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County's initiative St. Lucie Reads- Little Libraries we are helping to get age-appropriate books into more homes.

Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County initiative St. Lucie Reads Little Library program puts a small tabletop library stocked with books in non-traditional locations like doctors’ offices, barbershops, laundromats and business waiting areas to share with children. The books can be borrowed or taken, as long as the kids promise to continue reading them at home. Our emphasis is on letting the children choose the books themselves and on helping them build home libraries. St. Lucie Reads partners help to stocks the Little Library and continue to replenish it as needed.

 Click here for more information & for a map of the St. Lucie Reads Little Library locations.


Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County Logo
 Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County Initiative